Our wines were created to celebrate our love of family, culture, and adventure. But to us, it is more than just wine. We realize our actions create consequences on this world, so we are working to produce beautiful wines that don’t weigh heavily on this earth. For every bottle of wine we make (not just sell), we donate to three chosen foundations that reflect our own efforts in preserving the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
IslandWood is an environmental education nonprofit. IslandWood was founded to increase access and lower financial barriers to nature-based learning for our region’s children. Over the last 20 years, they have expanded the ways and places that we work, delivering programs for people of all ages that can inspire a lifetime of passion for the natural world and the planet.
The Lands Council works to preserve and revitalize Inland Northwest forests, water, and wildlife through advocacy, education, effective action, and community engagement. They collaborate with a broad range of interested parties to seek smart and mutually respectful solutions to environmental and health issues. They are inspired to preserve its legacy for future generations.
Puget Soundkeeper’s mission is to protect the waters of Puget Sound for the health and restoration of our aquatic ecosystems and the communities that depend on them. Their vision is for a Puget Sound teeming with marine life and providing safe opportunities for swimming, fishing, recreation and sustainable economic activity. They aim to provide communities with a clean, healthy place to live and work.
We acknowledge that we are on the Indigenous land of the S'Klallam Tribe in the original village of qatáy. We thank these caretakers of this land who have lived, and continue to live, here since time immemorial. It is our collective responsibility to honor, preserve, and know the land we are on.